"Brick Staining Technology's mortar & grout color repair"
Example Below: Before & After pictures of mortar color corrected on a manufacterued stone interior wall

Hi-Performance Mortar Staining & Mortar Tinting System!
Quality/Economy Mortar Staining: With an endless color selection, your imagination can really take off! All colors can be created, replicated and or matched. Mortar colors enhance the beauty of brick, block and stone just to name a few. If the mortar color dosn't match it can and will create the look of off color brick, block, precast and other masonry products. An easy way to explain this is, imagine two identicle pictures on a wall. The first picture has a black frame and the second, a white frame. Even though the pictures are identicle they look different because the outline and or the frame color plays tricks on the eye. The same thing happens when mortar colors are not consistent around masonry products, the masonry apears to be different shades. BST has a cost effective solution that is safe and doesn't require grinding out the off color mortar, we stain or tint the mortar in place!
The Brick Staining Technology, Inc. mortar staining system: will provide a permanent, uniform, natural mortar color. BST Mortar Choice contains iron oxide, reclaimed metal and naturally occurring ores plus conditioners and Brick Staining Technology Hi-Performance binders. Every batch is produced under rigid QUALITY control for uniform color. Brick Staining Technology's mortar color stains are sun - fast, lime proof, weather resistant and environmentally SAFE.
Example: Mortar is responsible for 20% of the overall color of a wall! Below: Once this home was completed, the home owners realized that matching the mortar color with the brick color was a huge mistake. The wall took on a painted look and did not come out how the home owners imagined. Brick Staining Technology was called in to stain the mortar joints a natural off white color. Once completed everyone including the architect was extremly happy with the new look. By staining the mortar joints the home owner avoided having the mason to grind out the mortar and re-strike every joint. They also now have a 50 year color fast guarantee. Most cement companies only provide a one year color warranty. In the end, once a mistake is now one beautiful brick faced home!

Mortar color consistency problems: are common in today’s world whether you are repairing a wall or the project is new build construction. The good news, Brick Staining Technology, Inc. has the solution, BST Mortar Choice.
Staining the mortar or grout, also known as tinting gives you that consistent color range every architect and mason strives for. In past years, the only available option was grinding the discolored, affected areas out of the wall and repointing the problem areas with the desired corrected mortar color. Time and time again this created more issues, messy mortar joints, and damaged brick, block, and or tile. There were times when the mortar color still didn't match perfectly.
Now you do not have to accept mismatched mortar in additions, new construction, or repairs! Brick Staining Technology Incorporated has the solution for everyone. We are just a phone call away, toll free -877-827-4257. We would love to hear from you.
Example: Inconsistent mortar color throughout the wall

Example: The off color mortar has been corrected, the wall now looks perfect

Mortar & Grout color corrections offered nationwide - York PA, Harrisburg PA, Pennsylvania, Raleigh NC, Charlotte NC, Fayetteville NC, Greensboro NC, Concord NC, North Carolina, Atlanta GA, Augusta GA, Columbus GA, Savanna GA, Macon GA, Georgia GA, Greenville SC, Charleston SC, Summerville SC, Florence SC, South Carolina, Fort Worth TX, Amarillo TX, Dallas TX, Houston TX, San Antonio TX, Texas, Oklahoma City, Richmond, Roanoke, Virginia Beach, Lynchburg, Charlottesville, Norfolk Virginia, Los Angeles CA, San Diego CA, San Jose CA, San Francisco CA, Oakland CA, California, Albany NY, Binghamton NY, Orlando Florida, New York New York, & Nationwide.
Brick Staining Technology, Inc is proud to be a member of the ICRI